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Stanford Global Currents 2.0 has developed from an NEH-funded Project in collaboration with McGill University and ETS in Montreal, and Groningen University in the Netherlands, generating almost 200TB of structured data.

Stanford's specific project focuses on British manuscripts from the long twelfth century in the Parker on the Web repository to determine how manuscript producers assisted audiences in finding their way around the folio and what this can reveal about expectations for reading practices. This project website contains information about our work and our results. Very brief findings are available in 'Discovery' and 'Research', where we show the components of a manuscript's mise-en-page that have been investigated by the team. Global Currents 2.0 will build on our exceptional findings to create new ways of analyzing and describing data. This is now part of Stanford Manuscript Sciences' new portfolio of research projects in 2023.

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Explore Stanford Global Currents and its Corpus